treatment - Pregnancy


baby with colic crying

Colic: when to worry

Colic is not usually something to worry about as it will go away over time and there is no evidence that it affects your baby’s health later on in her life. However if you observe any of the following symptoms along with your baby’s colic it is imperative that you contact your pediatrician immediately. Symptoms […]

baby with colic crying

Colic: treatment options

As colic has no defined cause there are several treatment options you can try in order to lessen your baby’s colic symptoms. These treatment optionsinclude: Burping your baby, giving him a stomach massage and other techniques which encourage your baby to release the gas stuck in his gastrointestinal tract Feeding your baby probiotics in case […]

baby with colic crying

Colic: possible causes

Though no cause has been identified for colic, several possible causes have been suggested. These possible causesfor colic include: gastrointestinal gas neurological overload (your baby’s new environment is too overstimulating) muscular trauma which occurred during birth intolerances to certain foods which your baby receives from your breast milk or her formula There has also been […]

blood glucose monitor

Treating gestational diabetes

Finding out you have gestational diabetes can be scary, but don’t worry it is very simple to treat gestational diabetes and to avoid most of its associated complications. We thought we would help you out and have created a step-by-step guideto treating your gestational diabetes. We hope it helps! Step 1: Adjust your diet. If […]

woman holding baby bump

Complications of gestational diabetes

If you suffer from gestational diabetes both you and your baby are at risk for certain complications during and after pregnancy. However, once effective treatment procedures are followed you can significantly reduce your risksfor these conditions. Mother’s Health Risks: Difficult delivery Increased risk of type 2 diabetes post-pregnancy or in later life C-section delivery Pre-eclampsia […]

diabetes test

Testing for gestational diabetes

As 40-60% of gestational diabetes cases exhibit no symptoms, it is vital for you and your baby’s health that you are tested for the condition between week 24 and week 28 of pregnancy. A blood test is the best way to determine if you are suffering from gestational diabetes, though sometimes a urine test may […]

pregnant woman holding belly

Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is considered the most common health problem associated with pregnancy, affecting between 2 and 18% of all pregnancies. You suffer from gestational diabetes when you have no personal history of diabetes, but suffer with high blood glucose levels during your pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is believed to result from the presence of the pregnancy […]

Ectopic pregnancy: risk factors

An ectopic or tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterine cavity. The egg will usually implant in the fallopian tube, but other ectopic pregnancies include implantation in the ovaries, the cervix and the horns of the uterus. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies have become more common since the mid-1980s […]

Ectopic pregnancy: signs and symptoms

An ectopic or tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterine cavity. The egg will usually implant in the fallopian tube, but other ectopic pregnancies include implantation in the ovaries, the cervix and the horns of the uterus. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies have become more common since the mid-1980s […]

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