nausea - Pregnancy


Coffee and cigarettes make sleeping difficult

Solutions for trouble sleeping

Having trouble sleeping is one of the most frustrating pregnancy symptoms you will experience, but not all hope is lost as there are several things you can do to help you sleep better at night. Below you will find a list of several different anti-trouble sleeping tactics you can try. However, you will notice that […]

diabetes test

Testing for gestational diabetes

As 40-60% of gestational diabetes cases exhibit no symptoms, it is vital for you and your baby’s health that you are tested for the condition between week 24 and week 28 of pregnancy. A blood test is the best way to determine if you are suffering from gestational diabetes, though sometimes a urine test may […]

Vegetarian and pregnant

Vegetarian and pregnant

You’re a vegetarian and pregnant, which means you have two very important reasons to make sure you’re paying close attention to your diet for the next 40 weeks. If you’ve been a vegetarian for a while you’re probably very clued up on what you need to eat to maintain a healthy diet, but we know […]

Signs and symptoms of early pregnancy

15 signs and symptoms of early pregnancy

Figuring out if you’re pregnant can be tricky business, so to help you out we’re giving you a list of the 15 most common signs and symptoms of early pregnancy. Remember though, many of these symptoms can be attributed to other factors, which means if you are only experiencing one or two of these symptoms […]

Ectopic pregnancy: signs and symptoms

An ectopic or tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilised egg implants outside of the uterine cavity. The egg will usually implant in the fallopian tube, but other ectopic pregnancies include implantation in the ovaries, the cervix and the horns of the uterus. Unfortunately, ectopic pregnancies have become more common since the mid-1980s […]

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