indigestion - Pregnancy


Lactose intolerance and pregnancy

Lactose intolerance and pregnancy

If you are lactose intolerance or suffer from a milk allergy you may be concerned about how that will affect your pregnancy. The truth is you don’t have to worry, you can receive a sufficient calcium intake from other foods and supplements. However, it is important that you do not risk drinking milk or eating […]

Sunday roast beef during pregnancy


Dinner can be a hard meal to face during pregnancy, because you may not feel very hungry when dinner time rolls around. However, you should still try to eat something, because you and your baby both need those nutrients to get you through the night. This doesn’t mean you have to eat a big meal, […]

Fruit smoothie as a pregnancy snack


It is important to snack throughout the day when you are pregnant, because as you will notice or maybe have already noticed, you can’t eat as much as you used to in one sitting especially as your due date approaches. This is because as your uterus expands and your baby grows you have less room […]

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