hydration - Pregnancy


Chewing gum to avoid heartburn

Avoiding heartburn

One of the most uncomfortable, annoying and unfortunately common pregnancy symptoms is heartburn. Luckily, it is completely harmless, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to avoid it.  For this reason, we have decided to give you some hints and tips about things you can do to not only avoid heartburn, but to also alleviate […]

pregnant woman sitting with crossed legs

Avoiding leg cramps

Leg cramps can be a frustrating pregnancy symptom, but there are some steps you can take to avoid leg cramps or at least the frequency at which you experience them during your pregnancy. Methods of avoiding leg crampsduring during your pregnancy include: Don’t stand or sit down for long periods of time. Avoid crossing your […]

Coffee and cigarettes make sleeping difficult

Solutions for trouble sleeping

Having trouble sleeping is one of the most frustrating pregnancy symptoms you will experience, but not all hope is lost as there are several things you can do to help you sleep better at night. Below you will find a list of several different anti-trouble sleeping tactics you can try. However, you will notice that […]


Vasopressin is a hormone that is very similar in both structure and function to oxytocin. It is released from the pituitary gland and does not increase until your third trimester of pregnancy. Vasopressin is an important hormone in the regulation of your contractions during labour and birth. As your labour progresses, your contractions will become […]

woman drinking water

Alleviating Braxton Hicks

Braxton Hicks can be a right pain in the you know where! So we thought we would give you a few helpful tips to help you alleviate the discomfort they cause, especially near the end of your pregnancy. Drink water, Braxton Hicks are sometimes the result of dehydration Take some deep, slow breaths or practice […]

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