childbirth classes - Pregnancy

childbirth classes

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is differs from other childbirth classes, as it is not specifically designed for just labour and delivery. Many people attend these classes because they are known for helping with: Repetitive strain injury. Backaches. Stiff neck and shoulders due to sitting at a desk for long periods of time. Improving your physical performance. […]

Hypnobirthing classes

Hypnobirthing classes

Hypnobirthing classes use the Mongon Method, which is a unique method of relaxed, natural, childbirth education that is enhanced by a self-hypnosis technique. Many women prefer to try hypnobirthing, as it encourages childbirth without the need of pain relief medication. Hyponobirthing professionals believe that labour does not have to be as painful as it is […]

Bradley method classes

Bradley method classes

‘It’s about Mothers, Babies, Families, Birthing Naturally’ The Bradley Method is a series of classes that are designed to provide individual attention. The classes are small and usually run for 12 weeks covering 12 units of instruction. When you join you will receive a student workbook that will help with the learning process. What to […]

ICEA classes

ICEA classes

The International Childbirth Education Association (ICEA) is an organisation that supports health care workers who encorage your freedom of choice by providing you with information about every possible aspect of your pregnancy, including labour and birth. The goals of the ICEA To provide quality educational resources To provide training and consistent educational programs To provide […]

Lamaze classes

Lamaze classes

What are lamaze classes? Lamaze is a non-profit organisation that promotes a natural, healthy and the safe approach to a woman’s pregnancy, labour and early parenting. The classes will help guide you through the stages of labour and the choices that you may need to make at the time. The lamaze organisation works closely with […]

What type of classes are available?

What type of classes are available?

If you have decided to attend childbirth classes, you may be overwhelmed with the variety of different classes that are curently available. We are here to help you and guide you so that you can make the best decision for you. Below you can see a list of the different childbirth classes currently available: Lamaze […]

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