Alexander Technique - Pregnancy

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Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is differs from other childbirth classes, as it is not specifically designed for just labour and delivery. Many people attend these classes because they are known for helping with:

  1. Repetitive strain injury.
  2. Backaches.
  3. Stiff neck and shoulders due to sitting at a desk for long periods of time.
  4. Improving your physical performance.

Both you and your partner can attend these classes, it will allow you both to prepare for the birthing process. The ‘Alexander’ principles provides your partner with guidance on how he can support you during labour.

What to expect

  1. Breathing techniques that will help you calm down.
  2. Techniques to help you focus during childbirth.
  3. Help facilitate the opening of your cervix during dilation.
  4. Help you when it is time to push.

Find out what other classes are available here


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